Marilla United Methodist Church Home Page

Marilla United Methodist Church

Christ Centered ~ Spirit Shaped

Phone: 652-7465              

Sunday School

The MUMC Sunday School is on a Kingdom Quest through The Gospel Project® for Kids. Our Knights (3rd – 6th grades) and Squires (4yrs – 2nd grade) enjoy an interactive Sunday School experience with the aid of videos, music, and hands-on activities.

The students learn by example the importance of their role in the United Methodist Church through their prayers, presence, gifts and service.

The students are introduced to service and discipleship by taking an active role in one worship service each month serving as Greeters, Scripture Readers, or sharing special music.

All students take part in leading two-services a year: The annual Children’s Christmas service and End of Year Program, where each child shares what they have learned throughout the year.

The Gospel Project® a three-year chronological study of Scripture. Every story in the Bible is a small piece of a much bigger story—God’s redemptive story. Sin would enter the world and affect everything, but God already had a plan to show His grace to people through His Son (2 Tim. 1:9). The Bible says that God began His plan to rescue people from sin before He even created the world! (Eph. 1:4-6)

Sunday School in Action

See what we are doing!

Check Back to see how the children in our Sunday School are learning about and praising God and growing in their faith.


Marilla United Methodist Church
1910 Two Rod Road, Marilla, NY 14102

Phone: 652-7465


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