Church History
Dating back to the mid 1800’s you will find that the Marilla United Methodist Church has a rich history in the surrounding community.
View some notable details below.
History of Marilla United Methodist Church
About 1837
The first Methodist Rider preaches in the vicinity. Religious meetings were held in a schoolhouse on the corner of East Avenue and Four Rod Road. The minister was Rev. George Young. The presiding elder was Rev. Glezon Fillmore, a cousin of Millard Fillmore. Rev. Fillmore’s visits were infrequent because the horseback riding clergyman was obligated to cover the entire territory from the Genesee River to Lake Erie and from Lake Ontario to the Pennsylvania line. This was the beginning of Methodism in Marilla, NY.
About 1839
These meetings were well attended and the minister thought the size of the congregation warranted the building of a church. Being a carpenter as well as a minister, he offered to help with the work, if the members would furnish the lumber. Because this building resembled a barn, it was called the “Barn Meeting House” built along Little Buffalo Creek. Services were held there until 1850.
About 1850
Services of Worship were held in the “Sons of Temperance Hall”, which was located on Two Rod Road. Services took place there for four years.
The Church building was erected and dedicated by Rev. Gowdy. The land purchased was on Lot #15 from the Buffalo Creek Indian Reservation for $200 to erect a “place of worship”.
After the Marilla Methodist Church was built in 1854, a lectern was made inthe 1800’s and used as a pulpit until Rev. James S. Fleming’s pastorate, which ended in 1950. At that time, he made the two lecterns presently in use, along with the baptismal fount.
The old lectern was used several years in the Sunday School Rooms. Finally, was relegated to the cellar. In 1979, it was brought out, washed off and found to have writing on the top. This was a promise to pay sums of money for the purchase of a chandelier for the church and was made by several men of the church.
Harry and Gladys York had the old varnish removed to reveal the lovely natural wood showing the grain. They applied a sealer, painted the inside and recovered the kneeling stool. It was first shown at the 125th Anniversary on November 17th -18th,1979. This lovely piece of furniture is now stored in the Fellowship Hall.
The first parsonage on the west end of Lot #15 facing West Avenue was built at the cost of $400. It was a small white house that burned in the winter destroying everything in the house along with the church records during the ministry of Rev. J.E. Wallace.
1883 Land was purchased for the purpose of rebuilding a parsonage. The cost was $350. The lot was known as the “Guzlay Place”. Money was raised by subscription. Rev. J. F. Brown was the first minister to occupy it. Each minister kept a horse so a barn was necessary, this was located at the back of the parsonage near the south line. It would later be removed when automobiles replace horses.
The parsonage cost $2,011.10 as reported by H.T. Foster, superintendent of the building.
Heywood Brothers was established in 1826, Wakefield Company in 1885. Both firms produced wicker and rattan furniture, and as these products became increasingly popular towards the end of the century, they became serious rivals.
In 1897 the companies merged as Heywood Brothers & Wakefield Company (this name was changed to Heywood-Wakefield Company in 1921), purchasing Washburn-Heywood Chair Company in 1916, Oregon Chair Company in 1920 and Lloyd Manufacturing Company in 1921.
While its wooden furniture plant in Gardner, Massachusetts closed in 1979, a branch in Menominee, Michigan continued to manufacture metal outdoor seats, auditorium seats and school furniture. The Heywood-Wakefield Company Complex in Gardner was added to the National Historic Register in 1983. The South Beach Furniture Company acquired the rights to the name in 1994 and reproduces its wooden furniture.
As you can see even back then, fundraising helped the church. All proceeds from this social went to pay for the lumber needed for the new church sheds.
Notice the names, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Carpenter and the price $.10 per dish.
The church was mortgaged for $2,000 to remodel, add a Sunday School room and a small kitchen. At this time the pews were turned to face the north, windows were changed and the steeple was erected. The congregation raised $1,000 as the total cost was $3,000. Rededicated in December by Rev. Ives.
The Missionary Society was organized under Mrs. A.H. Mason as president and Mrs. Abram Beamis as secretary.
1914 The Ladies Aid was formed, with Mrs. E. Ford as president, serving sixteen years. The meetings were held in the member’s homes and were part of the social affairs of the church.
Prior to 1915, Rev. J.B. Harry started an Organ Fund.
A loft was added to the church. The Pipe Organ was installed in 1915. It was purchased from the bankrupt Hinner Organ Company of Pekin, Illinois. This was during the ministry of Rev. D.A. Parcells.
Electricity came to the Marilla area, soon after this the organ was electrified also.
First Confirmation Class of 1934

2nd Row: Marion Bauder, Alma Kelsey, Elizabeth Getz, Lawrence Bacon, James McCutcheon;
3rd Row: Myra Griswold, Verna Griswold, Alice Bauder, Betty Franklin, Richard Bacon.
The Missionary Society and the Ladies Aid joined together under the name of the Women’s Society of Christian Service, it is known today as the United Methodist Women (UMW). The aim of this society was to help with finances of the church, repairs and improvements to the church and parsonage.
Poem by Pearl Foster 1940
Picturesque is the setting
Beside the broad highway,
And our hearts glow with loving pride,
For our own Church this Lord’s day.
High in the stained windows
Comes the sunshine filtering through
Resting on the sacred book,
Lighting up each well known pew.
Showering sunbeams on the pastor,
Weaving patterns on the floor,
We with reverence should be stepping
As we cross the threshold o’er.
Flickering o’er the ivory keyboard
Touching hymns as they were sung,
While in memory lingering still
Is the vision of Frances Young.
Around this curved altar railing
Many a penitent one has bowed,
Man and maid in loving faith
Have their wedding pledges vowed.
Baby heads are gently sprinkled
With the holy baptismal rite
Here have lain friends and loved ones
Carried from our earthly sight.
There are many remembered faces
That with us we want to meet,
Looking backwards you may see them
In their own accustomed seat.
This is our priceless heritage
Come, let’s be on the march,
For the youth who walk beside us
Will soon take o’er the torch.
Are their feet shod with righteousness,
Their eyes both clear and bright?
Will they trample on the wrong
And stand for what is right?
Hark! I hear them coming,
And their tread is firm and sure,
They are battling in God’s army,
Will they to the end endure?
A furnace and storm windows were installed in the parsonage.
Communion glasses were purchased.
The first (south end) addition started under Rev. and Mrs. James Fleming’s leadership. This addition enlarged Sunday School rooms, a larger dining room area and a complete kitchen. Rev. Fleming made and presented two lecterns that we currently use today, along with the baptismal fount.
The church furnace was installed.
The church oil furnace was converted to gas.
Extensive repairs were made to the organ, chimes were added as a result of the additional funds raised by the choir members minstrel shows. The rededication was completed under Rev. J. Wesley Babcock.
The Centennial Celebration was held October 3 – 10, celebrating 100 years of worship.
The garage on the back side of the church was moved and a parking lot was made.
The Fellowship Hall – Educational Building was consecrated.
Baseboard heating was installed in the nursery and upstairs office and the parsonage kitchen was remodeled.
The first Incorporation was completed as “The United Methodist Church of Marilla” (United Brethren joined with The United Methodist). A separate fund was established for Memorial Gifts, Wills and Legacies.
The dedication of the Fellowship Hall – Educational Building during Rev. John A. Fetzer.
The Church Post Office was made by E. Howes. Our Library was organized by Mrs. James Handy, acting as librarian. The growing Sunday School program led to improving the area below the Fellowship Hall (basement)separating the space into four classrooms.
Major repairs were made to the Sanctuary and Organ during this time. Rededication of the Church Sanctuary and the Memorial Library during the pastorate of Rev. Ralph E. Hessinger.
1976 – History Report from by Gladys B. York
The year 1975 saw our church year end with a membership total of 219. We lost three members by death and welcomed fifteen new members. Gifts and memorials which are recorded in the Memorial Book consist of several items plus money gifts.
During this year we have had a change of ministers with Rev. And Mrs. Ralph Hessinger leaving us after six years and Rev. and Mrs. Edward Deighton coming to be with is in June.
Along with the regular programs of the church there have been some outstanding events. All who attend the frequent Salad Bar Sundays sponsored by the MYF enjoy this event. We were privileged to have “Love Company” in October and again in December. A Caring Ministry task force has been formed and will be working in the new year.
Some of the other highlights are participation on the World Day of Prayer, joint Lenten Services with Williston Methodist Church, Palm Sunday Communion Breakfast served by the Men’s Club, the Annual Church Picnic, Student Recognition Sunday and Rally Day. During the summer months early church service wand vacation bible school are two activities. All Church Members and friends help in the Annual Church BBQ and event looked forward to by many. The Christmas season brings the Candlelight and Communion Service and the Prayer Vigil.
Mentions must be made of the efforts of Mrs. Handy in maintaining the Church Library. It takes everyone working together to accomplish the work of the church and so we look forward to the New Year with renewed trust in our Heavenly Father.
Remodeling of the kitchen, aluminum siding and storm windows were added to the church.
The renovation of the church kitchen was completed along with the celebration of 125 years of worship during the pastorate of V.H. Stanley Scoville.
Siding was added to the parsonage.
Musical Reunion Celebration
Ceiling fans and sound system was installed in the Sanctuary.
Sunday School rooms were updated in the basement.
Bathrooms were updated in the parsonage, along with the bathroom at the church made handicap accessible. The entry from West Avenue was also made handicap accessible by a small addition with a ramp. Shortly after that the parking lot was paved.
After the parsonage sat vacant it was ready for rental. The sanctuary was painted. New carpet was installed in the library. The nursery was updated to house the World of Wonders Pre-School for September, it was home here until 2002. The Buttercreamers were established.
Celebration of 140 years of worship during the pastorate of Rev. Gail Lewis.
New roof on part of the church.
Elevator Lift was installed for handicap children. Front sign was installed.
New floor in the Fellowship Hall, new pew cushions, along with new carpet in the Library and Sanctuary.
Outside of back entrance was updated and new windows in the fellowship hall.
Electronic thermostats were installed in the Church. Public water was hooked up at the parsonage and the church.
Parking lot was restriped with handicap spaces, along with a new roof on parsonage.
Town of Marilla celebrates sesquicentennial with replica buildings of our church. A limited edition commemorative ornament is also made.
Celebration of 150 years of worship during the pastorate of Rev. Laura Chatelle.
Gutters and furnace were repaired at the parsonage.
New garage doors at parsonage, chimney repaired, Sunday School rooms updated.
The Church’s kitchen, library, upstairs offices, bathrooms, front and back entrances were painted.
Congregation raised money through concerts and bake sales to purchase Hand Bells. The Hand bell choir was formed by Melissa Streit and currently has twelve members.
Updates were done to the vacant parsonage, carpeting was installed in the downstairs, glass block windows in the basement. It was ready to be rented in November.
Parking lot was repaved. New roof over the kitchen and fellowship area. The Secretary’s office was moved downstairs into the existing nursery area, new carpet was installed in that area also. The front sign was updated.
Celebration of 160 years of worship during the pastorate of Rev. Fung Kiu (Alice) Priset.
One of our large pine trees in front of the church blew down in ? by the wind storm that took out the powerlines on its way down. The town of Marilla was without power for several days. The front sign, roof and bell tower sustained damage from the wind storm also.
Updates were done to the vacant parsonage, carpeting was installed in the downstairs, fresh coats of paint on the interior and exterior walls.
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